Friday, March 5, 2010

Nagi Noda

Nagi Noda has always and forever been one of my favorite artist hands down. Her imagination is just limitless and everything she does reminds me of a childs daydream. Her art extends every corner of the art world. I have to say, I love her video work the best though.

Above is a fashion ad she worked with. She has used shadow people in many of her works.

Above is a classic example of Nagi Noda's work. This is a Coca Cola ad while the music is done by Jack White.

The above video is from a British TV series called "Japanorama" in which I strongly recommend watching even thought the host is extremely obnoxious. Putting the obnoxious host aside, this show is informative and very fun. Nagi Noda does not show up untill 6:00, but watch it all! (P.S. I'be seen HalCali)

Unfortunately, Nagi Noda died in 2008. I was rather upset to say the least. I was always looking for the next project she did.
Google her. You wont regret it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just in case you did not know:


[uh-ber-uhnt, ab-er-]
1. departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
2. deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type; exceptional; abnormal.
3. deviating from the proper or expected course.
an aberrant person, thing, group, etc.
1. wandering. 2. divergent, unusual.


So, for 2 summers in a row, I went to SAIC (school of the art institute of chicago) to take classes for credit. The 2nd summer, I took a photography class. This was a huge milestone in my career as a photographer. It helped me in many more ways that I can describe. I meet some awesome friends, in which I still talk to, who live all over the world. This class helped me hone in on my skills technically, and helped me reassure that I have a sharp eye for aesthetics. I just wished to share a few of the B&W images I worked with during this summer program.
**I will prolly eventually add some more photos from this collective. I know I am def going to show my color prints I'm very proud of. (I'm not too good in dark, inclosed spaces, so that was a feat in itself to over come.) P.S= these where scanned years ago on a crappy scanner, one day I shall rescan them and repost them.

Years ago in Colorado

I just wanted to display some more work I did in high school. All these where taken on a trip to Colorado with my dad and step mother. All where taken with a 35mm & printed as is negative quality.
**Maybe I should do some more B&W work... actully, I should just work on my new 35mm (although it's new to me and everything may turn out like shit...) camera. I even got some new spiffy lenses for it... but I miss my huge ass telo lenses :'( damned thief.

Cosplay me

Ryofu Housen- Ikki Tousen

Gentoku Ryuubi- Ikki Tousen

So I have come to the conclusion that people wish to see some of my costumes I have constructed. So I posted a few pictures that show a couple costumes. Questions? Comments? Ask me anything about cosplay and I will try my hardest to answer.
Frequently asked questions:
Q: So, um, your like a huge nerd right?
A: Well yeah, in my own way I guess you could say I am.
Q: What is cosplay even!?!????
A: Well, it is where people dress up in costumes to look like a character or style out of an anime, manga, drama, movie, or Japanese culture.
Q: Do you make your costumes?
A: Yes, and no. My 1st cosplays were not made by me. I bought them online. It was not until I wished to compete that i began making my own costumes, weapons, and styling wigs.
Q: So how do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
A: Well, it's rather simple really. I find a character I like, or suites my personality. Since I have been making mine, right now I'm sticking to simpler ones so I can build up to epic ones!
Q: So, I heard anime/scifi conventions where just huge nerd orgies! Is this true?!
A: Go and find out for yourself ;3

My 1st post, my 1st photos

I decided to post about a few of my pieces from when I was in high school. I miss these times. Though, I don't so much miss the times I suppose, as much as I do about how I felt about photography. Photography was a brand new field of discovery for me. I always swore I would never touch a camera to compose art as I was growing up. I was always and forever going to be a painter, or quite possibly an illustrator. Yet, in my goal to take every single art class my high school offered, I decided to in roll in "Introduction to Photography I" in my second semester of junior year. It was mysterious, and much more difficult to compose a decent photo than I could imagine. It was demanding and frustratingly perfect, and I feel head over heels in love. I knew, from the first time Mr. Hoffman, my photography teacher, praised one of my photos I worked so hard on to get "perfect", that photography and I would forever have a long, loving relationship.
Photography was a way for me to connect with my surroundings in a way I never before felt. It was and is primarily an explorative physical, and aesthetic means of expression. I find photography to be more so of a perforative experience than any other means of art for me. I had my $100 Japanese-brand-something-or-another 35mm with me almost all the time. It was my treasure.
I do not have my treasure anymore. It was stolen during my sophomore year of college. Since then, I have been using my D40 Nikon that I received as a high school graduation gift, but never before touched. It was like learning photography all over again. It was disheartening to say the least. I can say I still only know what 1/2 the dials, knobs, buttons, and switches on anything dealing with my digital work do. Yet, I am getting by.
If anyone feels I should post some more of my old art work, feel free to tell me, and I will. I happen to love some of my first photos more than anything I have ever done.