Friday, March 5, 2010

Nagi Noda

Nagi Noda has always and forever been one of my favorite artist hands down. Her imagination is just limitless and everything she does reminds me of a childs daydream. Her art extends every corner of the art world. I have to say, I love her video work the best though.

Above is a fashion ad she worked with. She has used shadow people in many of her works.

Above is a classic example of Nagi Noda's work. This is a Coca Cola ad while the music is done by Jack White.

The above video is from a British TV series called "Japanorama" in which I strongly recommend watching even thought the host is extremely obnoxious. Putting the obnoxious host aside, this show is informative and very fun. Nagi Noda does not show up untill 6:00, but watch it all! (P.S. I'be seen HalCali)

Unfortunately, Nagi Noda died in 2008. I was rather upset to say the least. I was always looking for the next project she did.
Google her. You wont regret it.

1 comment:

  1. It was a dark year to loss a great artist like her. I feel that there is nothing right now to stand up to her style in art.
